Roaster Innovations: Managing Business Uncertainty, Costs & Risk

  • Room: 1A22
  • Session Number: CNYS20
Monday, March 06, 2023: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Greg Oddo
Weather Strategist and Specialty Coffee Trader
Sucafina Specialty
United States
Ilya Byzov
Quantitative Trader
Sucafina Specialty
United States


The specialty coffee industry faces challenges in supply and demand. On the supply side there are risks in price volatility and uncertainty of supply, international logistics, and quality. On the demand side there is increasing pressure from a growing consumer base for higher-quality coffee delivered in attractive, tactile packaging.

Packaging, like green coffee, is reliant on international freight and materials. With all these moving parts and the increasing market volatility affecting not only coffee supply but packaging too, can roasters really buy green coffee and sell it without breaking the bank?

This lecture discusses three risk and cost management ideas for roasters:

1) blend optimization to include emerging specialty origins,

2) market risk overview and management strategies for small and mid-sized roasters,

3) international risks and innovations in packaging.

This is a free session included in your general admission.
